http://www.jaffacolony.com/ My pictures- The wood is from Maine. I could hear it speaking to me :)
The American Colony, Tel Aviv
History of The American Colony
The history of The American Colony in Tel Aviv dates back to 1886 when a group of over 150 Christian Americans from Maine and the New England region decided to follow their faith and vision and settle in Palestine. Led by George Adams, these families made a 42-day journey overseas and landed where the Etzel Museum stands today, on the beach between Tel Aviv and Jaffa. They brought with them the wood and materials to resurrect their homes in the New England style, and when they were granted permission from the Ottomans, settled in what has come to be called “The American Colony.”After a few years, the families became very ill and many dispersed to Europe or returned to Maine. New, German settlers, from the Templar Movement, purchased much of the land and buildings which the Americans had constructed. In 1904, the Germans added the Immanuel Church, which still stands today – along with the Beit Immanuel Hostel – which was the main office, school, and community hall of the German Temple Society in 1873. Today, it is a guesthouse housing Protestant pilgrims, but its beautiful garden and rooms are open to all.
During WWI and WWII, the British authorities deported many of the Germans or put them under police supervision, and much of the area was deemed enemy alien property. With the establishment of the State of Israel, the land fell into the custody of new Israeli government. Religious places (such as the Immanuel Church), remained in public custody, but secular structures fell under the jurisdiction of the government.
Over the years, the neighborhood became neglected and deteriorated. Today, you’ll see many crumbling ruins if you visit the area, however, there has a been a surge of restoration and development in recent years, which brings a new spotlight and hope to the old decaying buildings. http://www.touristisrael.com/american-colony-tel-aviv/12418/
LOOK! a bulkhead!
We all have one of these!